Mermaids, Yoga & Other Obsessions

By 11:25 AM , , , , , , ,

Here are just a few things I've been browsin' this week.

It's pretty apparent I'm destined to be a mermaid. You'll definitely see that pattern going on.

Via Tumblr

One theme that I'd love to infuse into my apartment decor is oceanic/mermaid. Not in a tacky, mermaid-obsessed way, but perhaps an elegant maritime touch with lots of coral & sea green shades. This bed I found on tumblr would be perfect for a real oceanic experience in the bedroom.

Via Amazon

Adorable transparent pineapple bag. Perfect for summer & it makes me crave pineapple, just looking at it. Adding a little youth to any look can't hurt. (They also have other fruits!)

Via Yogaholics on Tumblr

My yoga mantra for the week. A lot of people often confuse the true purpose of yoga, including me. By attaining emptiness, I allow myself to be filled with truth. This week, I also discovered how spectacular it feels to do yoga sans a bra. Try it!

Via The SF Globe

Here's a picture that will inspire me to take advantage of any available body of water & go swimming! This particular image reminds me of Austin's very own Barton Springs. The water is very clear & natural. I can't wait to take my goggles to Barton & explore the underwater abyss (It's very deep, but very very cold). 

Speaking of mermaids, yoga & swimming, there's a thing called underwater yoga where you do poses underwater & it looks incredibly elegant. I must try this! It's basically taking fitness & transforming it into art. What a lovely idea.

Via Tumblr Francoisedorleacs

90s Music by Kimbra has been my jam for a while. She recently released the music video & I'm in love! It's so funky, I can't get enough! Listen to it here.

Can't wait to share some of my other discoveries. That's all for now!


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