DIY Anti-Acne Avocado & Honey Mask

By 6:41 PM , , , , ,

Hello everyone! For the past few days I've been dealing with a somewhat major breakout that can probably be attributed to hormones. When I say major, it's mostly because the breakout is on top of acne scarring, so it appears worse than it actually is. I wanted to find a mask that would take care of both the scarring & the acne itself, basically preventing it. I know there's not much I can do about hormones, but it helps to take a few steps to make the skin less prone to acne.

The first ingredient that came to mind is avocado. It has tons of vitamins that are able to penetrate deep into the pores & give life to the skin. Aside from slowing down aging, avocado can revitalize the skin after a harsh breakout (like the one I experienced). It's an ingredient that has been used in facials since the dawn of time, so it must be potent.

A few more ingredients I added to the mix are supposed to heal the acne & help prevent scarring, as well as future breakouts. Honey has loads of antioxidants that will clarify the skin, by treating scars & dark spots. Of course I have to add my ultimate acne fighting ingredient, green tea! It wouldn't be a proper anti-acne facial mask without it.

1/2 of a ripe avocado
1 tbs honey
1 brewed green tea bag

Mix the avocado half with the tablespoon of honey & squeeze the freshly brewed green tea bag into the mix. The consistency should be fairly thick. Use fingers to disperse all over freshly washed face & neck. Leave on for 10-15 minutes & proceed to wash off. Follow up with your favorite moisturizer.

After that mask, my skin is left feeling refreshed & ready to go. Hopefully this will prevent any nasty breakouts for a while. Just to make sure I stay acne-free, I'll be drinking a ton of green tea in the next few weeks. Hope you enjoyed this natural DIY mask! 


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