Natural Methods to Combat Motion Sickness & Other Nausea
According to WebMD, motion sickness is most common in children, women & older adults. It is caused by an imbalance in your inner ear, resulting in a conflict between the senses. Some people present worse symptoms than others. Personally, my symptoms are mild most of the time, depending on how long I'm travelling. I often get headaches, especially if I'm trying to read while travelling.
Ginger Supplements
One great, natural way to combat motion sickness is to take a ginger supplement. Ginger has so many nutrients that help with all types of nausea, such as morning sickness & vertigo. I take a few of these pills a day with a big glass of water & won't have to worry about feeling nauseous on my commute.
Speaking of ginger, these little candies are great to take on long journeys to snack on. They immediately soothe my nausea & are actually quite tasty. Tummydrops are little hard candies that you can suck on & can also be used for morning sickness. Chimes are also a good ginger candy that'll alleviate nausea.
SeaBand for Nausea Relief
To gain a better balance in your inner ear, I urge you to try these SeaBands, which use acupressure to do the trick. If used properly, they apply pressure to the Nei-Kuan point, which is supposed to alleviate nausea of many kinds, such as motion sickness & morning sickness. Great for everyone because they produce no side effects!
Listening to Music

A method that I absolutely swear by to combat motion sickness is to listen to music during travel. Sometimes this means I have to be rude & refrain from engaging the other passengers in conversation, but it's a must. I bring headphones with me everywhere for this precise reason. I make sure to have a great playlist that will keep my ears occupied. The way this works is our ears & eyes are not giving us confusing signals, therefore we can't experience an imbalance. I definitely prefer this method overall because it gives me an excuse to jam to some music on my commute!
Well, those are all the tips I have for getting rid of motion sickness & other types of nausea. Let me know if you can think of other methods because I'm always open to more suggestions! That's all for now.